Lance's Abilities
Lance's abilities are split into two categories: Active and Passive. Active abilities are used in real time by the player, while Passive abilities are equipped and provide different stat boosts and passive abilities (like being able to see in the dark.)
Active Abilities
Lance's Active abilities are used by the player when they hold down the Attack button. Holding the button prepares to use the ability, while releasing it will use the ability. There is also an Auto-Ability button to help with this. See the Controls for more information.
Lance can only have one active ability set at a time, and Lance can only use the ability if he has enough Magic available to do so.
Ability Name | Magic Cost | Ability Description | Available Upgrades |
Shield | 45 | Lance's default ability. Lance will prepare to throw the shield, during which time the player will move slowly to aim. Once Lance releases the shield, it will fly in the direction the player chose, until it either strikes an enemy or decides to return to Lance. If the shield returns to Lance successfully, the magic cost is refunded. |
Dagger | 45 | Lance will prepare to throw a dagger. The longer the player holds the button down, the more powerful the dagger will be. It has 4 levels of power. Once released, Lance will throw the dagger very quickly, where it will keep going through all terrain until it either hits an enemy or flies off the screen. |
Passive Abilities
Lance can equip as many Passive Abilities as he desires. However, each Passive Ability will reduce his maximum Magic. So, if Lance has a maximum magic of 50, but he equips the Lantern ability (which costs 5) then he'll only have 45 Magic to use with active abilities. Therefore, it is not optimum to equip many Passive abilities as Lance will not be able to use Active Abilities at all.
Ability Name | Ability Cost | Ability Description |
Rapid Spin | 30/second | When Lance spins, the player can choose to press the Attack button again. This will cause Lance to spin faster and faster. Lance can cover great distances this way, but his Magic will be gradually depleted. This is a special ability that cannot be unequipped. |
Lantern | 5 | Allows Lance to be able to see around himself in dark places. |
Survivor | 35 | Allows Lance to survive any attack with 1HP left. If he takes any further damage, you will receive a Game Over. |
Healer | 30 | Lance will gradually recover HP, whether he's in battle or not. |
Double Magic | 30 | Equipping this ability will give Lance double the amount of magic he'd normally have, but his maximum HP will be reduced by half. You cannot equip this while Triple Magic is equipped. |
Triple Magic | 50 | Equipping this ability will give Lance triple the amount of magic he'd normally have, but his maximum HP will be reduced to a quarter of what it normally is. You cannot equip this while Double Magic is equipped. |
Distance Traveller | 20 | Allows Lance to go even faster with his Rapid Spin ability. Does not affect the magic cost of using the Rapid Spin ability. |
Magic Saver | 50 | All of Lance's active ability costs are halved. |
Attack Up | 30 | Lance's attacks will be more powerful. Equip more to increase the effect. |
Defense Up | 30 | Lance will take less damage from attacks. Equip more to increase the effect. |
HP Up | 30 | Lance will gain more maximum HP. If Double Magic or Triple Magic is equipped, Lance will gain more HP, and then it will be halved or quartered respectively. Equip more to increase Lance's HP further. |
Magic Up | 40 | Lance's maximum Magic will increase. If Double Magic or Triple Magic is equipped, Lance will gain more magic, and then it will be doubled or tripled respectively. Equip more to increase Lance's total Magic even further. |