Save File Format/FLGS.BIN

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Revision as of 18:52, 9 April 2020 by Roxy (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== FLGS == These are event flags for different events that happen in the game. It is <code>256</code> bytes in length, with <code>2048</code> possible event flags. If a value...")
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These are event flags for different events that happen in the game. It is 256 bytes in length, with 2048 possible event flags. If a value is 0 then it hasn't happened yet, while a value of 1 means that the event occurred.

Below is a description of the flag offsets, and what each one means when it is set to 1.

Please note that not all flags are consecutive. This allows me to add more later and group them together.

Bit Offset Bit description
Boss States
0 Parker defeated
1 Suzette defeated
2 Trent defeated
3 Olivia defeated
4 Ruby defeated
5 Claire defeated